Monday, December 03, 2007

If [Hillary] actually was managing the national economy from 1993-2000 from her perch as wife of the president, let her release White House documents

“What plausible claim does Miss Hillary have to experience in managing a national economy, balancing a budget or fixing income inequality? Even on health care, according to her husband, the aspiring ‘first louse’ (he wants to be called first laddie, but I think the derivation from first spouse works better) claims that she didn’t have much to do with Hillary Care—it was his fault. Is the national media actually going to accept without even a murmur of skepticism Hillary Clinton’s claim to possess all the experience gained by her husband as president?... There is a difference between a candidate having a particular policy and having experience in managing such a policy... If she actually was managing the national economy from 1993-2000 from her perch as wife of the president, let her release White House documents showing her active participation in such management... Isn’t it time for The Washington Post to do one of its excellent deep research pieces in which they review in detail what substantive issues Hillary was deeply involved in from 1993-2000? Other than keeping an eye on Bill, let’s find out at what else she actually has experience.” —Tony Blankley

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