Monday, December 31, 2007


A New Year's Eve 'Special Gift' for all my readers:

There can be a big advantage in being the first to do something. Just imagine being one of the first stockholders in Microsoft if you have your doubts.

In fact, I just got a big advantage myself today because I've been paying attention to what Ken McArthur has been up to with his new beta site.

The last time Ken offered to let people into a beta site, it was his now famous jvAlert membership site. On the first day that it went into pre-launch, it went to 362 on the Alexa Rankings out of all of the millions of sites on the Internet.

It moved so fast that Alexa put it into it's coveted "Movers and Shakers" list. That's like getting an Academy Award for Traffic.

The beta site that he did before that did a quarter million dollars worth of business in just the first six months.

People in the beta program were going crazy, trying to get the word out last time, so this time Ken invited only invited a very small portion of his huge lists into this program to test the site.

And ... he told them that they couldn't tell anyone about the site. Since I'd been paying attention, I got the early notice.

But, he also told the small group that he would give them the first shot at letting people know about the site when the time came ... and IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, that is VERY important.

You see, Ken is going to be giving away some pretty amazing
resources over the next six months as part of a HUGE book launch an incredible coaching program and a massive home study course.

Ken has been preaching about moving up the value of the materials that you GIVE away for a long, long time so ...

That means there are some great ZERO COST materials coming!

In fact I have one for you today!:


But that's not the reason why this BETA launch and moving early is so important.


Ken has designed his partner system so that the FIRST person to get a member to register for one of his ZERO COST resources, LOCKS that referral in for as long as they remain a member.


All you have to do is offer your subscribers great zero cost resources.

Let's say that Jane Smith signs up today for Ken's amazing live audio recording with best selling author Brendon Burchard.

As soon as Jane signs up, she becomes a member of Ken's new site and for as long as you and Jane are active members, YOU GET ALL OF THE COMMISSIONS on ANY of the products and services that Jane may purchase for YEARS to come.

In this case, that could be huge!

There are going to be a whole series of high impact launches coming out of this machine.

Career Press is featuring Ken's new book, "Impact: How to Get
Noticed, Motivate Millions and Make a Difference in a Noisy World" as their LEAD book for the Spring book selling season.

I can't even tell you how big it's going to be.

It's going to be a HUGE pre-launch build-up, followed by a HUGE
book launch, a HUGE product launch and HUGE publicity for a brand-new HUGE brand-new (oops, can't even tell you about that one yet!)

Plus, Ken put together a great team of marketing experts to promote the book, along with promises from joint venture partners to promote the book to over 4.1 MILLION people, so you are going to see an amazing amount of buzz about the new book and products.

All of the following people have committed to helping Ken gain the maximum possible impact for the book:

Rick Frishman

President of Planned Television Arts. Some of the authors he has worked with include Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.

Jason Oman

#1 Best-Selling Author & Creator of 'Conversations with Millionaires - What Millionaires Do To Get Rich, That You Never Learned About In School!' and 'How To Make Money On Demand'.

Warren Whitlock

The Marketing Results Coach. His mission is to help authors and businesses improve the results of their marketing programs. Warren is a #1 best selling author, publisher, and editor of, an online web log (blog) focused on book marketing.

Glenn Dietzel

Founder of the popular Awaken The Author Within teleseminar series and the Awaken The Author Within Mastermind Coaching Program. He is also the founder of the world's first BookCamp where he shared the floor with Dan Poynter. Glenn's expertise is helping people gain clarity in their market, and providing a step-by-step action plan to make this happen in a few short weeks.

Ben Mack

Best selling author of Think Two Products Ahead: Secrets the Big Advertising Agencies Don't Want You to Know and How to Use Them for Bigger Profits and is a sales and marketing expert and an award-winning ad-man who has worked on high-profile campaigns at several prominent agencies, including J. Walter Thompson, BBDO, WestWayne, T.G. Madison, WONGDOODY, and Deutsch.

Dave Lakhani

Has been described as a "Marketing Genius", "Business Acceleration Strategist" and "Multipreneur" by his peers and the media. He's been responsible for developing dynamic strategies driving record breaking growth and increases in sales in more than 500 businesses in the past 10 years.

And more, more, more ...


The FIRST person to refer ANYONE, will lock that person in.

After they grab that first zero cost resource they are in the database and YOU are the person who gets all of the revenue from future purchases.

That means that the early-bird really gets the prize this time NOT THE WORM!

You can pick up the first resource and get signed up for the partner program automatically at:


By the way, the first gift is a great 48 minute live recording with Ken and Brendon Burchard worth $97 all by itself, so don't wait a second!

All the best,
PS: I heard Brendon Burchard speak at Ken's last event at The Coast Long Beach Hotel in August and he is hysterically funny!


  1. I prefer to only have my name on Blogs where the author of the blog has their name.

    It amazes me how you will profit off my name... and not use your own.

    May 2008 find peace and love. If The United States focussed on being a positive world citizen, and selling tools of production, we'll have a safer world.

    C.S. Lewis was a great writer of fiction. I enjoyed his stories as a lad. I'm glad you reminded me of the fantasies he shared.

    Thank you!

  2. That IS my name.

    Ken McArthur provided the sales copy for everyone to use to promote the Impact program.

    You should take it up with him if you don't want him including your name in his sales copy.

    I suggest you go to if you need recommendations for fiction.

    I do hope the United States takes your lead in promoting peace and love in 2008.

  3. lgstarr,

    I owe you an apology.

    I hadn't come across the name lgstarr. When I googled your name, I get your blog.

    I have no qualm with Ken using my name. Before you informed me that lgstarr was your real name, I figured this was a weird harvesting blog.


