Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Dead Dog Beach

"...a place where teenagers drive over live puppies sealed in bags or cruelly kill them with machetes and arrows, according to animal welfare groups that photographed the atrocities."

Pet Massacres Carried Out in Puerto Rico


  1. This is terrible- How can some justify killing an animal in such a cruel fashion- This is really sick and thank you for raising awarness- I will pass this on

  2. They say serial killers and sociopaths all have animal cruelty in their histories. When it's the policy, or even allowed, in a region or country, it's tragic on an epoch scale. I am sick at heart. Thanks for passing it on.

  3. "Fuck puerto rico. They can all go to hell"
    Are you serious?! Those who generalize practice active ignorance.
    For the people in PR that commit atrocities against animals, there are many more on the island who are outraged and taking steps towards justice.
    Were I to make a similar generalization about US Americans judging from what appears about you on the news, I'd have a lot of nastiness to spew about the people from the land where serial killers roam free, and mass murder is committed by children in schools...etc, etc... but I know better than that, and I won't generalize... I will make this specific. Igstarr, fuck you. YOU can go to hell.
