Friday, October 05, 2007

The difference between the Left and the Right: Your Choice!

George Carlin:
I don't take anything seriously. I don't care what happens to this country or the human race. I've completely divorced myself from the outcome of things. I don't care about any of this stuff...This country is breathing its last. It may last 100 years, or it may last 50, but you can see it disintegrating before your eyes. It's such a cavalcade, and it's only amusing to me. I don't care what happens. I don't have any feelings for it...Voting doesn't change anything, petitions don't mean anything, chanting in the park doesn't change things...We've infected the entire world with this poison, the homogenization of everything. --LA.COM (The Daily News, Thursday, October 4, 2007, page 7)
Laura Ingraham:
Many of the problems in our society today--our cultural breakdown, vulnerability to terror, family dissolution, declining schools--were not created overnight, nor will they be resolved overnight. During our day-to-day battles there will be inevitable setbacks and disappointments. I have to admit, there are moments when I wonder whether some of these causes are lost forever. Yet speaking as someone who has had her share of challenges over the last few years, I know we must do everything we can to replace doubt and cynicism with faith. We must have confidence that whatever the outcome in any of our own personal, political, or cultural struggles, our loving God is still there waiting for us to "come home." We run the race, hope to win, but are comforted to know that as long as we return to God's will, we cannot lose. --from her new book "Power to the People" (page 289)

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